Welcome to RGeostats Home Page
The successor for RGeostats is now available! Check out our new R package: |
RGeostats is the Geostatistical Package (under R platform) developed by the Geostatistical Team of the Geosciences Research Center of MINES ParisTech. R2I is a new Package also developed by the Geostatistical Team wich permits to transfer data between RGeostats and Isatis software. When using RGeostats and R2I you accept our End-User Licence Agreement. Both packages are free. Since version 11, there is no more licence activation and no more forum registration! You can freely download the packages and play with it. RGeostats offers most of the famous geostatistical techniques. All packages functions are listed in the html documentation. In particular, it is designed to tackle problems with several variables defined in a space of any dimensions. It is particularly adapted for students or researchers who want to test geostatistical procedures using R scripts. |
A new package R2I is now available on this web site! This package offers the possibility to transfer data from/to Isatis software developed by Geovariances.
When you use these software for publication, please use the following reference or use the command citation("RGeostats") : |
Here is a BibTeX file for helping you referencing RGeostats: rgeostats.bib. RGeostats provides a set of documentations and vignettes which illustrate the use of the package through various case studies, but also through demonstrations scripts that can be performed using the demo() command. R2I has a dedicated tutoriel now available in our board.RGeostats and R2I will certainly benefit from the comments and criticisms of the users community. So you are welcome report the Troubleshooting errors and place your Suggestions in the board (after registration). You may also find a solution to your program by searching in the FAQ section. Your different posts will receive all the attention of the development team. |
RGeostats and R2I have been developed by various researchers that are/were employed by the organization MINES ParisTech / ARMINES (Fontainebleau). They all have contributed to specific parts of the code:
Thank you for your interest in our packages! |