How to setup RGeostats package?

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How to setup RGeostats package?

Postby Nicolas Desassis » Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:00 pm


1) Install R platform

2) Install RStudio Desktop [Recommended] (More details here):
    - Download the Free version of RStudio Desktop here
    - Install RStudio
    - Create a new RMarkdown template file (install missing packages if needed - see details here)
    - Generate the HTML or PDF output file (install missing dependencies if needed - see details here)
3) Install package Rcpp
    - From RStudio: Go to "Packages" tab, click on "Install" button, then select install from: "Repository (CRAN)" and write "Rcpp"
    - From an R prompt: Execute command: install.packages("Rcpp")
(more info on Rcpp here)

RGeostats installation:

1) Download the last version of RGeostats corresponding to your system.

2) Install the package as usual :
Replace below the /path/to/rgeostats.archive.file string by the correct downloaded RGeostats archive file path (.zip, .tgz or .tar.gz)
    - From RStudio: Go to "Packages" tab, click on "Install" button, then select install from: "Package Archive File (.tar.gz)" and look for the downloaded archive file
    - From a Terminal: "R CMD INSTALL /path/to/rgeostats.archive.file"
    - From an R prompt: Execute command: install.packages("/path/to/rgeostats.archive.file")
Note: In case of failure, please add repos=NULL, type="binary" arguments to install.packages command.
(More details here if needed)

3) Load the package by using the R command library(). (More details here):
    - From RStudio: Go to "Packages" tab, click on the checkbox just in front of the RGeostats package
    - From an R prompt: Execute command: "library(RGeostats)"
    - Then, check that all is good: Execute command: "demo(RGeostats.start)"

4) Have fun! :D

If you encounter some issues loading the RGeostats package, please follow these instructions.

Optional RGeostats packages dependency:
Nicolas Desassis
Posts: 198
Joined: Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:22 pm

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