I cannot load RGeostats!

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I cannot load RGeostats!

Postby Fabien Ors » Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:22 pm

After installing RGeostats, if you encounter some difficulties to load the package, please try one of the following :

readRDS Error:

Here is the message error you can obtain :
Installing package into ‘/home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
* installing *binary* package ‘RGeostats’ ...
* DONE (RGeostats)
Error in readRDS(pfile) :
cannot read workspace version 3 written by R 3.6.1; need R 3.5.0 or newer

This error occurs when loading RGeostats package version 11.2.12 (or newer) whith an R version older than R 3.5.0.
Since R 3.6.0, the default serialization format has been upgraded to version 3 (more information here).
This format has been introduced in R 3.5.0. Since November 2019, RGeostats is generated using R 3.6.1 (or newer).
So RGeostats is no more compatible with older R version lower than 3.5.0.

=> If you want to use the last RGeostats package version, please upgrade R to the last version

Wrong R version:

If you obtain an error regarding R version, like these ones:
> require(RGeostats)
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘RGeostats’:
package ‘RGeostats’ was installed by an R version with different internals; it needs to be reinstalled for use with this R version

> library(RGeostats)
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'RGeostats' in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
cannot load shared object '/Library/Frameworks/R.frameork/Version/X.Y/Ressources/library/RGeostats/lib/RGeostats.so':
dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/R.frameork/Version/X.Y/Ressources/library/RGeostats/lib/RGeostats.so, 6): Library not loaded:
Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/R.frameork/Version/X.Y/Ressources/library/RGeostats/lib/RGeostats.so
Reason: image not found

=> That mean that you should wait for a new version of RGeostats (built with a recent R version) or downgrade your R version by installing older R.
=> Please, send a mail to authors to report this issue.

'closure' is not subsettable:

If you obtain an error regarding 'closure' is not subsettable, like this one:
> library(RGeostats)
Loading RGeostats - Version:11.0.6
Error : .onAttach failed in attachNamespace() for 'RGeostats', details:
call: projdef$active
error: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘RGeostats’

The problem probably comes from the use of projections (mapproj).

You can try :
=> to load RGeostats from an empty workspace or not loading the mappproj packages.
=> or try to rename .Last.projection object in your current workspace before loading RGeostats. More details here

Conversion problem:

This problem is a common issue for people who tries to load (or switch to) old RGeoS workspaces.
When loading the RGeostats package using the library() command, RGeostats (<= 10.0.7) looks for any object in the current workspace that has been created with the previous RGeoS package in order to convert it automatically (more info here). Under certain situation some existing special objects could lead to abort this procedure. So, the RGeostats package cannot be loaded and an error message is issued. For instance:
Error : .onAttach failed in 'attachNamespace' for 'RGeostats', details :
call : as.environment(pos)
error : no item called "eval(parse(text = name))" in the search list
Error : package/namespace load failed for ‘RGeostats’

Debugging information:

If you still have a problem loading the RGeostats package, please follow these instructions:

Older stuff...

Since RGeostats v10.0.8, there is no more automatic check at loading. The conversion of old workspaces must be done manually using the command workspace.RGeoS.to.RGeostats.

Here is possible way to fix this problem:
  • First possibility:
    • Backup the .RData file from the current directory (look at getwd() command)
    • Then, remove all the objects from the current workspace:
      Code: Select all
  • Second possibilty :
    • Rename the .RData file from the current directory (look at getwd() command)
  • Finally, reload the RGeostats package (and activate the license if needed):
    Code: Select all

If you don't want to loose your previous workspace objects, please, send us by EMail your backup .RData file so that we could find a solution to fix the conversion.

License problem (version < 11):

You have tried to activate your license following these instructions but RGeostats still indicates this error (message could be different in future versions):
Geoslib 10.0.0 - June, 24th 2014
Problem with the Geoslib License
You must register a valid License for Geoslib!
To identify yourself, please carefully note the activation code:


In case of problem, please contact: rgeostats@geosciences.mines-paristech.fr

You can generate your License File from the site:
You will automatically receive the license file by email.
(If no mail arrives, please check your JUNK mail or SPAMs)

When you receive a valid License File:
- place it into your favorite location on disk (no special characters into the path)
- use the command license.define()

Failed to load RGeostats - Version: 10.0.4

  • Check that the activation code is correctly spelled (mismatch between '5' and 'S' for instance). Copy/Paste your activation code into the questionnaire to prevent error
  • Check that the complete path of your license file doesn't contain any special characters. In case of doubts, place it in the following folders:
    • Windows: C:/NAME_XXXXXX.code
    • Linux or Mac: /tmp/NAME_XXXXXX.code
  • Under Windows, you should prefer using license.define() without any argument in order to select your file graphically
  • Under any platform, using license.define(filename="<path>") with the complete path as argument, don't forget to use the automatic completion of the path ('Tab' key).
Fabien Ors
Administrateur du site
Posts: 226
Joined: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:07 pm

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