db.grid.refine {RGeostats}R Documentation

Duplicate a Grid Db, refining or dividing the number of meshes


Duplicate a Grid Db, refining or dividing the number of meshes


db.grid.refine(dbgrid, nmult, flag.refine = TRUE, flag.copy=FALSE,
               flag.cell = TRUE)



The db-class of grid type that must be duplicated


The vector giving the multipliers. The dimension of this vector must be equal to the space dimension. The number of grid meshes along the i-th dimension must be either divided or multiplied by 'nmult[i]', according to 'flag.refine'. The value of the grid mesh is modified consistently so as the final and the initial grid cover the same area.


When TRUE, the resulting grid is finer than the initial one: there are more grid nodes, and the grid mesh is smaller. When FALSE, the resulting grid is coarser then the initial one: there are less grid nodes, and the grid mesh is larger.


When TRUE, all the variables are copied from the input to the output file. Moreover, the new variables keep the same 'name' and 'locator' in the output file, as they had in the input file.


When TRUE, the initial and final grids share the same edge for the lower left corner cell.

When FALSE, the initial and final grid share the same location for the lower left corner node.


A db-class of grid type.

[Package RGeostats version 14.0.10 Index]