db.round.coor {RGeostats}R Documentation

Modify coordinates of input Db as migrated to output Db


Modify coordinates of input Db as migrated to output Db


db.round.coor(dbin, dbout)



The input db-class whose coordinates must be modified


The output db-class where the samples of the input db-class must be migrated


The principle is to consider in turn each datum from the input Db (say 'iech'). This sample, 'migrated' to the output Db is assigned to the location 'jech'.

Then all the coordinates of the sample 'iech' in the Input Db are set to the coordinates of the location 'jech' in the output Db.

If an Input sample cannot be migrated to an output location (or if the output location is masked off), the coordinates of the input sample are not modified.


The input db-class where the values of the coordinates have been updated.

[Package RGeostats version 14.0.10 Index]