maf.calc {RGeostats}R Documentation

Calculate the MAF for a multivariate data set


Calculate the MAF for a multivariate data set


maf.calc(db, dirvect = NA, h0 = 0, dh = 1, tolang = NA, bench = 0,
cylrad = 0, opt.code = 0, tolcode = 0, verbose = FALSE)



The db-class containing the data information used to calculate the MAFs. The MAFs are calculated for the set of "z*" variables present in the DB.


The directions in which the variogram must be calculated. For more information, refer to get.directions


A pair of samples is kept if the distance between the two samples lies within an interval. This parameter stands for the center of this interval.


A pair of samples is kept if the distance between the two samples lies within an interval. This parameter stands for the half-width of this interval.


Angular tolerance for the calculation direction.


Bench separation tolerance for the calculation direction. When bench is defined and positive, a pair is discarded if the separation distance between the two points along the third axis is larger than 'bench'.


Cylrad tolerance for each calculation direction. When specified and positive, a pair is discarded if the separation distance in the plane orthogonal to the calculation distance is larger than 'cylrad'.


Option concerning the sample codes for constituting pairs:

  • 0 : a pair of samples is selected whatever their codes (if active)

  • 1 : a pair is retained if the code is active in the data base and the codes of the two samples are closer than tolcode

  • 2 : a pair is retained only if the codes of the two samples are different


Maximum distance between the codes of the two samples.


When TRUE, the verbose option is switched ON during the calculation of the MAFs.


A pca-class object which contains the transformation matrices from Variables to Factors and vice-versa.

[Package RGeostats version 14.0.10 Index]