statgrid.trans {RGeostats}R Documentation

Calculates the transition probabilities in 1-D from a regular grid


Calculates the transition probabilities in 1-D for a categorical variable informed on a regular grid


statgrid.trans(dbin, nfacies, dbout = NA, pos = NA, radius = 0, orient = 1, 
               radix = "Trans", = db.locmod())



The db-class structure where the target variable is stored


Number of categories to be considered. For example, when nfacies=3, the samples with target variable equal to 1, 2 or 3 will be considered; any other value will be discarded.


The db-class structure organized as a 1-D grid where the results will be stored. See Details for more information. If this Db does not exist, it is created.


Dimension of the space along which the statistics are calculated. For example, if the input grid is 3-D, setting pos=2 will calculate statistics per XY bench, for any position along the 3rd dimension. If not defined, this space dimension is set to the last dimension of the input grid.


Radius of the neighborhood (around the centrel bench). A radius of 0 means the that calculations are performed on the all the cells of the strata alone; a radius of 1 corresponds to the cells of the 3 strata around the central one.


This gives the orientation of the transition. This value must be set either to +1 or to -1


Radix of the name given to the variables storing the results in the target Db.

Decides whether or not the newly created variables will have their locator defined or not. For more information, see db.locmod.


The results consist in the transition probabilities between any pair among the 'nfacies' categories.

[Package RGeostats version 14.0.10 Index]